Monday, March 8, 2010

It's 230am & worth it...

Finally I have my time to blog~
Sorry to my sweet sweet blog
I have been neglecting you for a long long time...

Recently I really very busy~
busy tillllllllllllllll, almost can't breath ( I noe dis is too much, LOL)
I feel that I almost can't catch up with my studies
Not that I don't und what lectures had taught
just that I don't really have much time to revise & making notes...
Tutorial need to pass up, assignment need to do, report need to write
somemore I need to eat, need to sleep, need to talk, need to play~ LOL

I feel very happy for the past few days
although I not feeling well (gal's sick ^^)
but was great to be mummy's gal...
mumma flew to pg after she received my "cried my heart out" phone call~
me, bro, his gf brought mumma to watch movie~ (I guess dis is the 1st time)
& they brought me back to pg,since my car left in pg...
it's great for being together...

My pappa...
If I have the chance,
I wish that I can bring you out for a movie too...
I wish that you are free to have family outing v us too...
I really love you much~
I know you sayang me the most...
don't ever tell me those silly words that when u goin to die..
I still can't accept that..
Sorry, I really nid to say sorry to you..
I wish I can talk more to you..
although I seldom call you doesn't mean that I don't care about you..
I hope the letter can make you happy and und me~
Love you like I always do...


I always hang out v peinee & piao..
we trying to study together..
it always works for me n peinee..
but for piao~ she still nid to be more effective~
LOL~~ piao, we noe u can..
study hard & work hard...
WE will always SUPPORT you!!!
you noe we love u always..
be tough, gal..

still the same..
I always found my "peace" in this house...
吵吵闹闹的 时间过得很快


我不懂为什么 我就是很想哭
虽然我懂 我懂你我是别人都替代不了的
但 我就是很伤心
是我自私吗 我不懂
我想 除了你 对我来说
谁 都不再有意义了 都不再重要了
这也许对其他人来说 这很不公平 对不起
但 却没人懂 那个感觉
你给我的那个感觉 就只有你可以

你懂我在怕什么 说不上 但你应该懂
你看了这 可别哭哦
那时候 换我告诉你

回过头来 你懂我一直都会在...

虽然我气 我还是站在你后面...

just..stay close,don't go...

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